Owners of "Giant Killers"?

We often read of folks who have heard "Giant Killer" products: amps, preamps, digital sources...

We also often read about products that are tried, and are "excellent and worth the audition", but are not chosen for the listeners's system because of a better product.

I'm wondering how many Audiogoners actually own a "Giant Killer"?

Has someone heard a component that offers great value, but beyond the dollar value offers perfomance that has truly been good enough to replace the "Giant"?
There are three in my system. Wright modified Bitstream dac, Theta Data II, and Atma-Sphere S-30.
I recently upgraded to the "Q-tip" brand of q-tips, truly a "Giant Killer." After using the more common Walgreens house brand, these "classic" q-tips have taken my system to another level entirely. High frequencies shimmer and decay without a trace of grain, the bass firmed up, and the midrange became almost holographical in its ability to reproduce a live performance in my listening room. The improvement is on the order of upgrading both components and speakers. Best tweek I have ever used. Better than the much balyhooed and much more expensive Bybees, and almost as good as two bottles of California cab. ;>)
Mitch2, despite the tone, your reply is scarily close to what I expect might be the truth. I've used Q-tips and the "other brands", and the other brands can't begin to measure up to the performance of Q-tips.

Thanks for those who have posted about their Giant Killers. It proves the possibility of the best for less.
Tvad, no tone intended, just having fun. Good thread. My giant killers would have to be the Luminous Audio Synchestra balanced IC's, I can't imagine much better at a very reasonable cost. And yes, the Q-tip brand does blow away the competition.
I like the stock Njoe Tjoeb (sp? 750 ) better than my 2200 list arcam fmj23 cd player and I liked my arcam better than a 5000 list unit. And, I like the acoustic zen hologram speaker cables (1000 list) better than 3 different 3000 ish cables I've tried. Also I like the Hagerman Trumpet phono pre-amp (2800 ish list with step up tranny) too well to make more costlier units of interest. And I like the Rogue Zeus / Magnum 99 amplification combo better than a 3x costlier combination that was second runner up.
Giant killers? I dunno, but it seems like there is not a correlation between price and performance after you get to the 'very good' stage and the game is about finding what you like.