Owners of "Giant Killers"?

We often read of folks who have heard "Giant Killer" products: amps, preamps, digital sources...

We also often read about products that are tried, and are "excellent and worth the audition", but are not chosen for the listeners's system because of a better product.

I'm wondering how many Audiogoners actually own a "Giant Killer"?

Has someone heard a component that offers great value, but beyond the dollar value offers perfomance that has truly been good enough to replace the "Giant"?
The Prima Luna Prologue 2 integrated tube amp available from Upscale Audio is one of the best amps that I have ever heard in 35 years in this hobby (I am 48 years old). I paid $1345 and have never been so pleased with any component that I have purchased. I actually feel that at $1345 it is a bargain and can't think of another amp in the up to $5000 range, that would better it. I am so pleased with its performance, that I have sold the solid state Musical Fidelity power amp in my main system (a $3000 A300 CR) to buy another Prima Luna. Yeah, I am a fan.

In experimenting with what speakers to use with my Prima Luna (I currently use single driver Omega Super 3's (list $540), I tried a pair of NHT SB2 ($400 list) for about a month and the system produced some of the most emotional, nuanced music that I have ever experienced. No other amp that I tried in close to two years, got that type of performance from the NHT SB2.

If the $1000 plus category for an integrated amp is too steep, go with the NAD C320BEE at $400. It may not pull on you as much emotionally, but it gets so many other things right. I can not think of another amp below $1000 that betters the NAD. Once you pass the $1000 range, save up for the Prima Luna.

Speakers and CD Players make this discussion too complicated, so I'll quit while I'm ahead of the game.

Regards, Rich
Sorry for the confusion. The DAC I bought was the ack! Dack! It replaced a Dodson 217 MK2.
All you non-Asians can get with Q-tips and vaseline, but us rice-eaters from the Great Wall of China gotta go with the handy dandy 47 Labs Mimi-Kaki.

I hope this doesn't start one of those Ear Candling discussions again.
I've never actually owned one, but the DIY version is certainly not beyond most of the folks posting here, and would be extremely economical. Here is the original, and legendary "Giant Killer" complete with some pictorial instructions, as well as documentation of proven results. Knock yourselves out!
