Owners of "Giant Killers"?

We often read of folks who have heard "Giant Killer" products: amps, preamps, digital sources...

We also often read about products that are tried, and are "excellent and worth the audition", but are not chosen for the listeners's system because of a better product.

I'm wondering how many Audiogoners actually own a "Giant Killer"?

Has someone heard a component that offers great value, but beyond the dollar value offers perfomance that has truly been good enough to replace the "Giant"?
Guerilla Audio cables! I'd put these cables against anything, money no object! I still can't get over how good they are...
I have just bought the Space tech lab preamplifier 113.
Beat my previous reference Hovland HP100, then beat my present reference the Django transformer passive preamp.

For $800 what more can I say and it has only done 3 hours of break in.

Tvad still waiting for the uk apl denon.
Audiojoy4, no doubt the wait is frustrating, but the reward once you hear the sound will have been worth all the pain!

Make no mistake....the Sar Lab Mos 400 is a "true" giant killer.

Trouble is when stating your system ..it doesn't sound IMPRESSIVE so people pass it up....go figure...!!!
The fully modified Cayin TA-30 is unquestionably a giant killer ! The Green Mountain Audio Europas should
be added to the list as well. Chris Ven Haus Pulsar
interconnects must be placed on that list as well.