Owners of "Giant Killers"?

We often read of folks who have heard "Giant Killer" products: amps, preamps, digital sources...

We also often read about products that are tried, and are "excellent and worth the audition", but are not chosen for the listeners's system because of a better product.

I'm wondering how many Audiogoners actually own a "Giant Killer"?

Has someone heard a component that offers great value, but beyond the dollar value offers perfomance that has truly been good enough to replace the "Giant"?
Make no mistake....the Sar Lab Mos 400 is a "true" giant killer.

Trouble is when stating your system ..it doesn't sound IMPRESSIVE so people pass it up....go figure...!!!
The fully modified Cayin TA-30 is unquestionably a giant killer ! The Green Mountain Audio Europas should
be added to the list as well. Chris Ven Haus Pulsar
interconnects must be placed on that list as well.
As always , good thread Grant. If I may , the Cj Premier 350 was put in my system as a goof as a friend who was sold on their latest gear swore it was indeed a " giant killer ". It went head to head with my Classe Omega power beast of an amp at twice the price and 3 x the weight. I assumed it would be a slaughter as the Omega had dusted all contenders in the solid state category for 5 years running. It replaced it , Immediately .
Well, Brent, one man's giant killer is another man's giant. From my perspective, the CJ 350 is a giant. The Classe Omega must, therefore, be a behemoth.

I've read great things about the CJ Premier 350. I'm glad you're enjoying yours.
Hi Grant , I have yet to stop being stunned by this amp. I have the rich midrange and smooth , liquid highs that I needed when I went tube a few years back with intense bass control I left tubes because of . What this amp does however is have the stronghold on recreating space. You read about this all the time " space around instruments , space captured in the recording studio , space captured between musicians ect " but its another thing when you hear it come alive in your room. Its quite startling and something I will forever hold as a reference if I move in another direction some day....far off .