You might be an audiophile if...

With apologies to Mr. Jeff Foxworthy, thought it would be fun to come up with (clean) examples of the wretched excesses that us poor audiophiles are subject to. I'll start it off. Extra points for originality and wit.

You might be an audiophile if your stereo costs more than your car. Or your house.

You might be an audiophile if - you've ever had to choose between a girlfriend and a new pair of speakers.
You might be an audiophile if- your living room only has 1 or 2 chairs in it.
You might be an audiophile . . . if you can't open your front door all the way and have to walk around the speaker blocking it to enter the house.
I got three pairs of speakers and no girlfriend.

Maybe I'll dump the monitors and go get a hooker.
You might be an audiophile if you postpone the root canal because a great pair of NOS tubes just went up for sale. What else can you do when finances are tight?