You might be an audiophile if...

With apologies to Mr. Jeff Foxworthy, thought it would be fun to come up with (clean) examples of the wretched excesses that us poor audiophiles are subject to. I'll start it off. Extra points for originality and wit.

You might be an audiophile if your stereo costs more than your car. Or your house.

You might be an audiophile if - you've ever had to choose between a girlfriend and a new pair of speakers.
You get home after a long day at work and after turning on the ceedee player, set the tt platter spinning, spending a half hour looking for the perfect disc and or LP (the amp and pre were already on from the night before), checking to ensure your room treatments are all in place, cleaning the LP you may play, settleing down in the sweet spot, listen to the system for an hour, AND THEN WONDER WHY YOUR SPOUSE ISN'T HOME AND CALL HER CELL AFTER THE LP HAS PLAYED BUT THEN REALISING YOU HAVE THE PLACE TO YOURSELF, YOU TURN THE CELL PHONE OFF AND SETTLE IN FOR MORE GOOD SOUNDS!
You can hear the difference between the UPS, FedEx & postal truck as they're coming down your street and if they pass your house (after you've jumped up like a kid for the ice cream truck) you get bummed out, 'cause it's another day before your ________ arrives.
You get aroused listening to your wife expound on the sonic characteristics of various 6SN7 tubes with the local hi-end dealer.
you have plastic surgery to look more like michael green or mathew polk......or you've trained your dalmation to do that 'his master's voice' thing