Cats and audiophiles

Are there any cat owners and audiophiles out there? Do your cats listen with you? I have four hyperactive bengals 2 males 1 year old and two females 18 weeks old. The males will listen to chamber music but not symphonic; all hate opera. None use the Avalons nor the Acoustats as scratching posts... lucky I guess. All four will sleep or listen on the sofa except the alpha male Crash (apropos). He will wander over to the Spectral DMA 180 and lay on it for warmth ( why I don't know because the room is warm enough). They will all leave disgusted if I attempt to put on rock or jazz. They will listen to Mozart all night long or until they are hungry, in which case they will "coo" (bengals coo--rarely meow) and do their love bites to let me know it is time for food.
Xiekitchen, my parrot seems to like female vocalists, and will sometimes warble along with the performer. He also enjoys female comediennes on TV, and will sometimes laugh and cackle hysterically, along with the audience or laugh track!
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."   Albert Schweitzer

"In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats."   English proverb

"Cats are smarter than dogs, you can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."

"Time spent with cats is never wasted."

"People who hate cats will come back as mice in their next life."  
We have 4 live-in cats: A Persian, a Maine Coon, a Siamese and a stray shorthair and they differ more in personality than in looks. Boy, do I have tales (pun intended).
There's always at least one of them around when I sit down to listen, or as a matter of fact, when doing ANYTHING around the house. They also supervise my wife and they even have this funny rotation system: if one leaves, another takes his place.
With the stereo, the worst damage has been a chewed up optical digital cable- which I guess it was their way of telling me toslink sucks! The scariest was one instance of turntable merry-go-round but fortunately there were no damages. Whew!
Of course, with them around being precautious becomes second nature. Like knowing not to thaw meat on the countertop. For example, the Siamese has this thing for CD drawers- you have to keep an eye on him. He even got his paw caught in the computer's CD drive once but he just won’t quit.
I also had a hard time teaching them not to perch on my thin floorstanders, but they rarely get on my Altec 19s. Go figure.

It's like having a private nuthouse... the fun never stops.
Mlq79...Since we are in the quotation business...

"The trouble with a kitten is that,
Eventually it becomes a cat".

Ogden Nash