Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?

A member on another forum site asked an honest question, check out his question and some of the responses. Is it because of the moderators here on Audiogon, or is it because the members here would not put up with it?
Was I justified in giving my response? I have no idea what the follow up response will be.

I'm not sure if there are more beginners on AgoN, but a lot of basic questions do get asked here over and over again. And that's OK.

Sometimes my reaction is "Oh, let someone else answer that this time," but I would never make fun of somebody just because they asked a question that I'm sure we all asked once upon a time.

Threads on both forums are prone to take off on sarcastic tangents now and then. Sometimes they are a lot of fun to read.
The key is to remember that it is not worthwhile to get upset when a jest strikes you wrong. IMHO.
Either that or just don't post topics that could later start out with "You might be a redneck if" or end with "Here's your sign".
Happy Listening!
That is a funny thread! They were being a little cruel but very funny.

I guess I'm aging myself but in the mid to late 1980's on rec.audio.highend, there were a few people that were I think were truly hateful, downright psychotic. If you heard any difference at all between different amps, you caught hell. And the moderators put up with that; in fact one of them was the worst of all.

A'gon sometimes gets a bit cruel if a newbie posts a shallow sounding rave of a new product. Generally it's remarkably civil and quite a relief, IMHO. But I'd say the same of audioasylum.
