How Cool Is My Wife!

I thought my wife was pretty cool when we moved into our new house and she said, "Honey why don't you take the best room in the house for your dedicated listening room." I thought that was pretty cool, a 27" X 14" room for my gear (And boy is it a great sounding room). Well this year I almost droped dead when for my birthday she gave me a pair of Maggie 1.6's! I know what your thinking gentlemen. She's mine and she's a keeper!
Guys, this just keeps getting better! Keep it coming... my wife and I are thinking about handing this thread down to our kids. There is hope yet for audiophiles of the future!
Your wife seems to be really cool.I must say that any wife who lets you have your toys without complaint is quite a wife. My wife has never really said a word about the tens of thousands that I have spent on audio gear. Of course I have bought her something nice (diamonds) almost each time I bought me something. But it's been a real enjoyment even more than the system to have someone so pleasing to be with. Kim (the little Lady) has now let me have my soundroom in the basement and the living romm because my IRS V will not fit in the basement. She is not into the music like I am, but I once heard her call the IRS's (Our Babies. IF THAT'S NOT EXCEPTING ONE FOR WHO THEY ARE,WHAT THEY LOVE,AND WHAT THEY WANT. WHAT IS? HATS OFF TO KIM and all the good women like her.
Michael--Thanks. Gary--There is hope right now! Testsp--Looks like you're ahead of Rfenol when it come to taking over the house. What a guy! No, what a wife! Enjoyable thread, guys.
My parents have been happily married for over 30 years... my mother likes to joke that when she married my father, she told him that it was either going to be my mom or the stereo. 30 some odd years later, she has been such a trooper that she has finally conceded defeat by the almighty hi-fi but has decided to remain married to my dad. Not only has it turned into a dedicated custom built listening room... a pair of speakers larger than a person... amplifiers that weigh as much as a person... but my mom has tolerated waking up every morning for the last year to my father baking in a convection oven his very large collection of master tapes he recently acquired (for those who don't know,Ampex tape made in the 70s and 80s had 'issues' and the only way to temporarily fix the problem is to cook them for a few hours). Needless to say, I don't currently have a significant other but I only hope that when I do find her, she is as understanding as my mom has been!