What have YOU got?

I am curious to know what the general AudioGon population has for equipment, so let's hear it! Any female audiophiles out there? Let us know...
Audio: Melos MAT-180 amp, Melos Maestro preamp, North Creek Rhythm speakers, PS Audio Ultralink II DAC, Cal Delta Transport, Distec Platinum and Cardas Hex5 intercon., 5N silver custom made speaker wire, Balanced Interlink digital cable, Salamander 5 shelf rack, Velidyne Servo 1200 sub. Video: Hitachi 50" UltraVision, Pioneer DV-414, RCA Sat. System, Mitsubiti Receiver (Dolby Digital+DTS)NHT Super Zero's with North Creek X-overs another Velidyne servo 1200. I love them both! PS; I am lost without spell checker maybe Audiogon should add one.
My system Grado Platinum cartridge,Rega Planar-25 and RB600 tonearm.Rogue Audio 99 preamp with phono.Linestage has NOS GE's,phono stage has Telefunkins and Radiotechniques.H.T.Pro-Silway MK 2 Interconnects go to my stock Dynaco ST-70.It has NOS R.C.A.7199's and Svetlana EL-34's.Next in line are a double run of Tara Phase 2 space and time.My speakers are Paradigm Studio 80's(92db) I have a home made wall shelf with a Bright Star Audio BIG ROCK which sits under my Rega-25.I have a home made rack for my Rogue and Black Diamond cones #4 under the Rogue.My Dyna sits on a homemade amp stand with J.A.Mitchell tender Feet under the amp.I have a $20.00 yard sale N.E.C. C.D.player for the 2 C.D.s I own.Kimber PBJs for that.I have a record Dr.record cleaning machine and use home made cleaner.The recipe came from Wes Phillips.I use groove glide,Last products,Zero-stat gun,Decca brush,Rat Shack EMI/RFI chokes on power cords.All but the amp fed into a Monster A/V 800.I have 2 dedicated outlets and 2 dedicated breakers.My next amp will be a Pass Aleph 3 or 5.I also need a better cartridge some time soon.
David, try a Benz LO4 cartridge sometime. Hey, I'd forgotten that you had Rogue products. I just ordered a Model 88 amp, I'll let you know what I think of it (my ss amp isn't going anywhere, though). The reviewer who did the TAS review of the 88 is a dunderhead, IMHO, but no review is perfect anyhow, I guess. Your $20 CD player is just killer funny, I love that! Good luck with whatever it is that makes you happy, heh heh...Maybe I'll become a tubehead full force now, or not...
Carl,Are you getting KT-88 tubes for the Rogue?? My dealer Mario,owner of TOYS FROM THE ATTIC is selling his 88 demo for $880 it has KT-88s.They do make a big differene.Mark O'Brien who is the head man @ Rogue is awesome!! If you have ANY question E-mail him or call him.He is just a regular guy.I hope you enjoy your quest into TUBE LAND.I think you will eventually end up with a pair of WONTANS!!! HEE,HEE,HEE.You can always use your Krell to cook eggs on!!! HO,HO,HO!!! Good luck !! the cartridge advice is good.It is one I am considering.....
Yes, it has the KT-88's. I'm paying $950, plus shipping, but this unit has never even been assembled, brand new. Yes, please try the Lo4. I feel that the Ruby 2's output is so low, that few phono preamps are quiet enough for it. I know there are those with much lower ouptut than it, but you'd REALLY need a quiet phono stage for those! The Lo4's is just right (.85 mv), and the thing is just...effortless music!