Dream System. Spectral or Levinson.

I'm considering between two systems, but would love to hear your input. Debating on a Spectral/MIT/Avalon system w/Spectral Mono Block's, and all Spectral Digital. Or Mark Levinson/Revel Salon system, w/No 33's and Full Levinson Digital. Your thoughts or Suggestions.
I appreciate all info. I guess that's the reason for posting the ad was to gain knowledge about each system and possibly others. I'm somewhat of a novice to high end audiophile, and don't want to be sold by dealers on which system is better than others. I have demo'd each system, but would like to hear feedback on either before I invest into either system.
I have been obsessed with this hobby for four years now, and my first piece of advice is: don't do it!! Don't let the dealers for this expensive equipment set the agenda!! There is plenty of extremely enjoyable sound available out there without spending $100,000+. Not to mention that the fresh air fund is probably a better use of money anyway. My second piece of advice is: tubes, dude! That ultra-detailed solid state gear only sounds ok if the sources you're using (read: recordings) are impeccable. If not, the system becomes unlistenable. Yes, I've heard Spectral on Avalon. It's pretty trick stuff, but my God, I think my ears would bleed on most source material on most days. Remember, this stuff is for you to listen to at home, for the rest of your life, not to listen to once and be impressed at a stereo salon! If you must spend that kind of money, consider a very good pair of tubed monos, like wolcotts or second-hand lamms or vtl's and a pair of sound lab milleniums (M-1s). Otherwise, cut down on the watts and get a very nice efficient speaker like the Brentworths, Silverline Sonatas, etc. There is a good site with lists of efficient speakers on www.welbornelabs.com. Not to mention some good tube amplifiers. Believe me, when it comes down to it, tubes just sound more right. Or get a pair of zen monos from decware.com, and some efficient speakers. This is a very good site written by an extremely knowledgeable fellow who's not into charging people $10,000 for a pair of amps. $1,000 will do, thanks. Oh yeah, did I mention get a turntable and some used records? I don't remember ever enjoying hi-fi as much as when I bought an NAD and spinned Led Zep on a modest system and my girlfriend and I just about cried listening to it in the dark!! there, I feel better. I wish you the best of luck!! Tom Schuman
Kudos;Tom.Just to add a bit: Imagine paying 79 grand for your speakers,if you tried to sell them here,latter the same day??lucky if you could get 40(very lucky).I have been in this hobby a long time,and have to do my upgrade a piece at a time.I sort of get restless with what I have I hear/read about something better---.I hope I'm not speaking out of jealousy,'cause Spectral 360,and Nearfield are trully Pipe Dreams for me.
If I were you I would check out the Pipe Dreams. If I was able to spend that much they would be the first on my list. Read the review in Absolute Sound.
Hi 59burst, I'm glad to see you went to hear the systems you have in mind before spending that kind of money. You didn't mention which Avalon speaker, I imagine it must be the Eidolon. If your spending all this cash make sure you get help in treating the room acoustically so you get the most out of the system. I did compare the Eidolon and the Salon in the indentical room and system. It was with all Spectral electronics and of course M.I.T. cables. Really the answer depends on your priorities in the reproduction of sound. The Eidolon is will give you a more transparent sound-stage with sharper focus of images. It will also resolve more detail giving you more insight into the recording venue. It's presentation when set up properly is quite spooky. The speakers can completly disappear and can leave images in your room in the most uncanny way. The Salon however will play louder without strain and have more authority in the bottom octave. In my room the Eidolon plays louder than I can stand and has plenty of detailed low end bass. I do think you should check out tube equipment. For me the virtues of good tube gear (texture and correct timbre of tone) out weights the virtues of solid state. My amps and pre-amp are from Balanced Audio Technology. I have the VK50se pre-amp and the VK60 mono block amps. When I can afford it I plan on buying another pair of VK60s and run four of them. My front end is the Mark Levinson 360s D.A.C. and the 37 transport. I would advise deciding on the speakers and front end first then audition different amps and pre-amps in the system in your room. This would be educational for you and you can discover and learn what your priorities are. I do however feel of the two speakers in question that the Eidolon is the more accurate and musically engaging speaker. I hope I've been of some help and please let us know how you make out. Good luck! Sincerely, Tom