what is everybody listening to right now

I wasn't really sure where to post this so here goes. What cds ( as I do not currently listen to vinyl ) are people spinning in their ssytems. (heavy rotation) Currently I have been Chris Cornells (one l or two I can't remember) solo recording "euphoric morning"
For me it is the Radiohead's new ' Kid A'. Not really an audiophile recording, but the music is mesmerizing, top quality. Other recently added for heavy rotation is the Lucinda williams(Car wheels...) after I read some post saying that he uses track 7 and 12 as reference. I don't know about track 7 but 12 certainly a reference material. An oh all those diffrent guitars on this disc! And for a year or so I was listening to this CD in the garage boom box(Denon micro system, no less. Beautiful electric and acaustic guitar work throught the disc. One of the player is steve earle! Other than that most listening sessions starts with selection from Mapleshade recording reinforcing faith every time followed by a classical cd/s.
Richard Thompson 'Mock Tudor' on Bong Load heavy vinyl (also available on CD I'm sure), can't recommend this one highly enough. Also Elliott Smith 'Figure 8' also on Bong Load. More brilliance from this guy (IMHO).
Nilthepill-- I suspect it was me that recommended "Car Wheels....", trks #7 and #12 'cuz I do use them as references. The vocals on trk#7 seem "distant", but the rest of the trk has great soundstaging with instruments and percussion exploding all over the place. I agree that the whole CD is excellent. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Shirley Horn's ballads, Cowboy Junkies "The Caution Horses", and "The Studio sessions" CDs, and all Dave Hole's CDs-- hard driving blues/rock with great slide guitar (electric)-- not everybody's thing, but I think he's great. Dave Hole is for real! Cheers. Craig.
Radiohead-"kid A" Coil-"musik to play in the dark" Burnt Friedman-"con ritmo" Morton Feldman-"crippled symetry"