"Krell" is a buzzword

When I look at how the posts involving Krell deteriorate to the point of civil(actually not so civil) war, I have to say that "Krell" has become a buzzword. It seems as if you just have to mention the name, and the mobilization begins. Sooner or later the insults sink to the level that make the thread completely unrecognizable from the original question. I am more neutral than not on Krell(probably not many of us around). Used to dream about them in my bigger is better solid state days, but have since moved in other directions. Now I am a definite tubeophile, and don't even think about Krell. But, I don't say you cannot build a great system around their products. Just have to apply the right surrounding components. But don't you have to do that with many brands of amp? So, do you agree that Krell has become a buzzword, and why?
Boy David99: The next worse mistake that you can make in Hi-fi (other than buying a Krell) is to own a Pass amp. Dumping it is the way to go (and we are talking in the trash here), trust me on this... Is this the type of post that you are referring to, Trelja? The ones that are just chalked full (not) of helpful advice. I am sorry that I fell asleep for last nights volley, I just read it this morning.
what is the point of this thread, trelja? do you really think it will generate more light than heat? seems to me, you're simply baiting the horde.
While i agree that the word "Krell" tends to bring about some of the most polarized responses from those involved in audio, there are many other subjects that get people excited. Just mention the terms "vinyl", "digital", "tube", "solid state", etc.. and you can get very similar reactions and just as divided responses. Anyone that has a strong interest in a specific hobby / subject will obviously have opinions to voice depending on their personal tastes and experiences. Having made the above "disclaimer", it's pretty obvious that some of us here have very different tastes and systems that represent those values. I have always been of the opinion that EVERY piece of gear may require MASS manipulation of one's system to really be able to obtain the best results. This includes Krell, Pass, tubes, SS, vinyl, digital, etc... Many people dial their system into a specific sound and then are unhappy when they alter it's performance via a new / different component. They think that the new piece is inferior while it is really just "different". They forget about all the past effort that had put into their system fine tuning it to the point that they were at just before the change. Those that simply swap gear without taking the time or effort to "fine tune" the rest of the components (cables ARE components) will NEVER know what that piece is truly capable of. Those that don't have the capabilities to substitute component for component (multiple times) to find a good blend in their system at the drop of a hat may have never experienced the differences that doing something like this can demonstrate. Even with all of the effort involved in doing this, some gear will just not blend with other specific components or not deliver the type of sound / performance that someone may be looking for. That is why system synergy is so very important and the reason why some systems are simply "decent" (yet very expensive) while others sound very good (yet are "reasonable" in price). It doesn't take much to produce a product that "makes sound come out of it". Case in point: Fisher Price makes a toy called a "Close-N-Play". It takes a LOT of effort and trial and error to build a SYSTEM that is both "accurate" AND "musical". While ONE component CAN make the difference between sounding good / bad, much of this may just be a lack of synergy in the system to begin with. Don't blame it all on "Krell". Or "Pass". Or "tubes". The "system" as a whole was simply lacking. I think you get the idea. Sean >
Corn F.B. is right this is like dumping a bucket of chum in shark infested waters.....bloodlust. I have never heard/owned a Krell but will make the observation that the current Stereophile recommended list has 3 Krell amps rated class A, and it seems there is always Krell amps rated class A, so many "professional reviewers" think highly of them. BTW did the president of Krell see the 1950s classsic sci-fi movie "forbidden planet" where the alien master race that left the advanced tech and then died were the "krell"
Megasam: I thought the term Krell preceeded the Forbidden Planet. Krell was the name of a planet with unlimited power in a very early sci-fi serial, perhaps Buck Rogers??? Other old timers may want to help here!! I currently own three Krell products (mono blocks and a three chassis preamp from the late '80's and the KBX cross-over from the early '90s.) I have nothing but high regard for their build quality and service. While I cannot comment on the sound quality of current models vis-a-vis their competition, it has been my experience that audiophiles who are used to the sound of other top push-pull solid state (Levinson as an example) often find the sound of Krell to be dull by comparison. For me, however, they were consistently more natural than the more "technicolor" competitors--more music than hi-fi or to use an old photography analogy, Krell was Agfa to the other solid state's Kodachrome. Tubes, of course, are an entirely different matter. I agree with the sentiment that it is popular to tear down whoever is successful. When visiting London in the late '80s I was surprised to find the same attitude toward B&W speakers in their homeland as we yanks had for the likes of JBL. (I had always thought that B&W made a pretty fine dynamic speaker). Cheers,