Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Let me guess -- you listen to a lot of Grateful Dead, Phish and Peter Tosh, Shakti stones make a world of difference and your system sounds worse when your broke and waiting fo your next paycheck? I do think the point about TTS is true, however. Some have also suggested that the AC is cleaner at night.
There is no data that shows measurable change in auditory acuity from average exposure to ambient noise. Cite your references otherwise. You sound like the auditory equivalent of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: Listening to the event changes the sound itself, beyond the performance. The reason they call it "Temporary Threshold Shift" is because it's temporary. Very temporary. Equating long term TTS to permanent hearing loss is as astute as correlating long life with probability of death. Whatever the case, where ever you are, listen in the morning, please. Leave the tempered decibels and improbable kilowatts to those of us who don't know any better, or who couldn't care less. Except for that car that exposes us to 100 dB(!) of "damaging" low frequencies. Ever heard any frequency at 100 dB in a car? What??? HUH??? yeah, TTS.
I consider myself lucky to be a favorite of the audiogod and they smile upon me daily. The downside is I think thier nemis is the car god and he doesnt like me receiving the extra attention and has become quite antaganistic towards me.
Khrys, If you don't believe in hearing degregation with exposure, how do you explain hearing loss in the general population as we age? Current thinking has it that age related hearing loss is caused by exposure to sound largely as the result of our industrialized lifestyle. It has been documented that remote African and South American natives who live away from the industrial noise generators of our society, do not show a drop in hearing sensitivity with age. I'm not suggesting ambient exposure is the only factor, only that is one of the primary factors. As to your comment about not caring about what noise you are exposed to, it's your choice. If you're not prepared to treat your ears with some care, you will end up a very very unhappy audiophile, unable to appreciate even BOSE. I suspect Khrys has abused himself and wants others to go along with the notion that exposure to vacuum cleaners, driving witht he window down, talking on a cell phone, listining to highly amplified music, riding a motorcycle, screaming at a football game ....on and on... will not injure you. As our gift to the world of logic, Khrys is invincible. He's known this since the age of 20 when he attended an Emerson Lake and Palmer concert and submitted to the quad towers of 100,000 watts each pouring the healing gospel upon his waiting soul. He resurects the memory each day on the way to work by cranking the big 10" in his car until the trunk started to leak. (he has since switched to the head set ear phones). He does it because he can, it's his right and don't mess with it. Khrys is our kind of audiophile. Like a Hebrew judge, what's right is right and wrong is wrong. I only have on question for you Khrys. "If she said yes, would you be able to hear"? Oops now I've hit on something important.
Yes, I do experience the sound quality fluctuations a lot too. Like some posts pointed out due to the iffy power, particulary in LA area in the late evenings. I also buy the hearing thresold case on some days theory.( I have experienced it-sitting down to listen right after dancing sessions with wife and kids to some dance music). And then there state of mind theory-which also come in to play at times. But the other two remaining same , there is still electronic nuances to deal with, which is absolutely true-even if you have PS300 or some power conditioner. Here is another peculiar behavior my system exhibits: I have Home theatre/DAC processor that I use for 5 channel casual listening. I have seperate analog balanced outputs going in a sepearte two channel pre-amp for stereo listening. My MIT digital cable occassionally looses a signal due to bad connection in the HT Preamp. Here is the kicker- The system sounds (2 channel mode) sounds MUCH better( increased resolution, deep soundsatge, all the works,) when the digital cable has the good connection in to HT pre-amp, which is turned on or off. Some times because of vib or some deep base the cable might loose a connection and I can always tell due to change in sound quality. Don't tell me it is my brain because I know it is not. Has any one experienced something like this? TRY IT IF YOU HAVE SUCH A SET-UP.