Coping in an Age of Uncertainty

there have been numerous threads here, i know, about sacd v. dvd-a, upsampling, oversampling, etc. a number of these threads have included discussions of which, if any, new digital format will replace what we now call “redbook” cd’s. i don’t wish to rehash these discussions. rather, i’d like to hear from others how they are coping with the “age of uncertainty” in the realm of digital audio. is it better to “roll the dice” and invest in sacd or dvd a? ignore the contenders for the new and get the best possible out of redbook cd’s? buy with upgradeability firmly in mind? follow another path? i don’t post this query out of mere curiosity. i really haven’t figured out what course i should follow. i’d appreciate your giving me a hand. -kelly
I've said this any number of times: get yourself an HDCD compatible player Today! It's the only backward compatible format which makes all of your 16 bit CD's sound much better. There's much more 20 bit software available even Today than the competing "upgrade" formats.
Craig, i've read the "up& oversampling" thread, articles posted by Muse, Madrigal, etc.... and probably a dozen articles on upsampling dacs. No suprise that different sides come down with different opinions on whether this is a semantic difference or not. I'll admit my bias by saying that I intend on buying one of these units and letting my ears decide if I like it better than my certainly outdated 5 y/o player. One real difference, though is that on some of these units, the upsampling can be switched out(as its on a seperate chip), and you can decide for yourself whether it's for real or BS. Otherwise I'm in complete agreement, I already enjoy my 1000 or so CD's and would rather spend further $$$'s on expanding this collection (dramatically). I believe the many above posters on the wonders of SACD, but 2 years into its release it doesn't appear very promising on the software side of things.
Hello all. Put together my first hi-end rig over the last year with the help of Audiogon. I went with an older Wadia 6, 19 bit, got it for $1400, same chassis as the 850 & 860. Can be upgraded to 850 status by Wadia. But running direct with my new Aerial 7Bs and used Threshold T200 it sounds incredible! Much better than I had ever dreamed. I know there are many who bash the digital volume control for loosing information but this set-up is aural nirvana I kid you not! So much hidden detail is revealed. I'm in the process or rediscovering my 700+ CD collection. In my opinion, you should consider a used hi-end cd player with really good transport mechanism (Teac in the Wadia 6, 850 & 860, Mark Levinson uses Philips I believe) then later you could upgrade the player or just add a more current DAC. Just a Newbies $.02.
Be seeing you.
Hi. I'm returning to audio following a two decade hiatus. I wish to extend my gratitude to all of those who've posted to this thread. I've had the opportunity to read all of these posts without interruption and would characterize them as stimulating, provocative, and exciting! This is a passionate group. It's been a privilege to entertain the thoughts presented by each of you. Long live audio. -Sam