The partner or wife factor

Most of us don't live alone. We have to contend with the people, we share our living space with. This can be a huge asset to our hobby, sometimes a detriment. Sometimes, listening with a loved one can deepen our involvement with the music and shared hobbies are a source of joy through the years, sometimes the hobby can be a continual source of bickering and trigger resentment and,in a worst case setting, separation either from the system or from the partner. I personally, in my long life, have both met with intelligent support for, but also viscious resentment of my gear, as systems and partners changed.( Systems more than parners) The shortest episode, hilarious actually, was when a ladyfriend , led by me proudly to the listening area , shrieked "electrosmog....!!" You can rest assured, she didn't stay very long. What about your experiences? Joyful, painful, helpful, destructive, funny or amorous ones? Very curious....
wow, amazing how similar the stories are! we all seem to have partners that are reasonably tolerant of our systems, but it's rare that one shares in the enjoyment. My wife does listen to the system, and likes it, but probably keeps it in better context than i do.

my dad has for year tried to get my mom to enjoy golf. mom just doesn't care - tolerates outings at best. i think dear old dad has finally realized that it's going to have to be "his" time.

moral of the story, i guess if you can find someone willing to put up with your sickness, er - hobbie, you better keep them!
I agree, this is a good thread and we all seem to have a lot in common with this one. While my girlfriend has "raised hell" many times about all of the gear (she calls it a "cluster") i have all over the place, she loves listening to music and is not afraid to voice her opinion about what sounds "good" or "bad". When we first got together, i had a large tri-amped system that she really didn't know how to work. I still have that, but am in the process of "upgrading" most of it. I ended up setting up a "simple" HT based system for her to use. That lasted about two weeks and then it was replaced with what is currently a "runaway monster" with four towers, dual subs, 6000+ watts, etc... After that, i set up a small bedroom system for her to use when she wants to lay down, relax, read, etc.. That system now has stand mounted monitors, twin downloaded subs, tuner, preamp, power amp, CD, cassette, satellite, vcr, 27" TV, etc... Are we seeing a trend here : ) My puter room system (which she likes the best) uses very "strange looking" omni-directional speakers and is powered by 800 wpc mono-blocks. The basement system currently uses a set of HIGHLY modified horns with .... Ah, you get the idea. To put up with all of this, she MUST be a "keeper".... Now if i can just break the news about the system that i want to put in the bathroom.... : ) Sean
Seems, females get hooked on other things than electronic stuff and their music reproduction, though most of us like music of course. So our influence is probably being made felt in the sense of balancing out those attacks of hypertrophia, a male hobby in full bloom can often come under.
My wife is pleased with the "hobby" & loves the music. However, cannot fiqure out how the placement of the "switches" on the preamp keep changing.
Does anyone know where Sean lives? Don't worry, his equipment is in no danger from me, it's his girlfriend I want for my listening room(s). :-)