What s your latest buy? Happy with it?

Curious what the latest thing is that you added to your system? Did you buy new or used? How happy are you with the purchase? Did it meet your expectations?

(For me, it was a PS Audio PowerPlant for CD and Pre, used, very happy and exceeded expectations cause it made the system improve more than I thought possible.)
My last purchase that I am keeping is the Harmonic Technology Magic Link Interconnects. I am happy with them because they sound nattural vs. Electronic and they are almost half the cost of the cables I was comparing them to. I am currently trying the Shunyata Hydra and it seems to have evened out the differences between the to cables as well as improved the sound of my system on the whole. The soundstage got huge, details became more easy to hear, not as discrete sounds but as part of the overall soundstage.
Picked up one of those Blue Circle BC-86 Noise Hound Power Pillows that are auctioned here on AudiogoN. Got it used/mint from an individual for $225. This thing really works. Quite an amazing product.
My last purchase is a Muse Model 9 sig dvd/cd player. Replaced my Wadia 850 and a Marantz 7000 dvd. Bought is new for a great price. Awesome step up...
Last week for a big $175 I bought a used Conrad Johnson Premier 2 with Premier 3 face & knobs. All I have to say is WOW. I can't stop listening. I get up early in the morning so I can sit undisturbed. VERY satisfied. Not too long before that I switched to a used ($300) Adcom 555. Also an incredibly good change in the system.
I bought a 40 y.o. Scott LT-110 tuner several weeks ago. Now I cannot get enough FM. This is the best tuner I have ever owned. Deep rich sound with a great soundstage. Definitely one of the best purchases I ever made.