What s your latest buy? Happy with it?

Curious what the latest thing is that you added to your system? Did you buy new or used? How happy are you with the purchase? Did it meet your expectations?

(For me, it was a PS Audio PowerPlant for CD and Pre, used, very happy and exceeded expectations cause it made the system improve more than I thought possible.)
I bought a 40 y.o. Scott LT-110 tuner several weeks ago. Now I cannot get enough FM. This is the best tuner I have ever owned. Deep rich sound with a great soundstage. Definitely one of the best purchases I ever made.
Hi Njonker; slightly off topic but appropriate I think, I just purchased 36 CDs, and one is an absolute gem, Holly Cole's "temptations". Highly recommended for the jazz ballads. Cheers. Craig.
I just received my Conrad Johnson PFR preamp to go with a CJ MF-2200 amp that I purchased at Christmas time. The PFR really matches well with the amp. This CJ stuff is really sweeeeet. Next on the agenda; speakers
Just this week I recieved a pair of Harbeth C7 ES speakers I had been waiting and waiting for,(3 months.) They are even BETTER sounding and looking than I thought possible, and they are not even broken in. I have found myself laughing out loud with joy listening to them. There is a lot of fun here in my listening room right now, hope you all are enjoying yourselves as well! Charlie
This months' upgrades: Sold my Toshiba TW40H80 and bought the Toshiba TW40X81 HDTV (same basic TV, new model) through AG, and couldn't be much happier. The trade over cost me $400, and now I have progressive scan and high definition. The improvement in DVD picture quality is a subtle, but clear one (pardon the pun), it just feels more like a theater experienc. Can't wait to get a high def source and really take her for a spin. Added the new Harmonic Tech 2 pin to iec adapter, and tried three different power cords, much improved audio, switched from Harmonic Tech Truthlink to the new H Tech Truthlink Silver. much improved audio. Morasp, I got the same response when I tried the Magic inteconnect, unfortunately I can't afford it yet, (other budget priorities) Good post Njonker. Seems that everyone is up to some cool trading. Great to hear about other members experiences. Keep those cards and lettters coming!