Dealer Price "Wiggle" Room

What is the convention, if any, with respect to bargaining with a dealer when purchasing new equipment? Is there a rule of thumb on mark up? Does one automatically look for a 5% or 7% or 10% (or more or less) reduction on the price?
I have done business with several dealer, 2 dealers never gave me discount, the other one after I bought a couple of small things started giving me nice discounts, he also now gets all my business and referals.

My experience with dealers is probably not as extensive as that of the many who will no doubt respond, but I've bought a few pieces, and this is how it went: one dealer dropped 15% off his price once I hit his "magic number". Prior to that it was 5% to 10% off his posted prices (which were list or just a bit below). On certain items, he'll do me even better now, but on low margin items it's list or walk. I worked with this guy for several months, built a rapport, and still visit just to keep in touch or listen to whats new. Another dealer fought like a wildman over every penny, no discounts and no help, until I found something he wanted off the floor - 20% off immediately, and then my wife turned on the blues - another 10% later I was one happy audiophile (he even gave us new in box instead of floor models - cool dude!). Another dealer is pretty straightforward - his price is 10% off list, specials as marked, doesn't care a fig to haggle. I respect that approach, but have yet to buy anything there. If there is a rule of thumb in there, I dunno what it is, except perhaps to try to find a dealer you like, take some time with them so you both know what you want and what you want to spend, then see what kind of a deal you can make.

Good Luck!
I love your name. If I were a dealer I would try to accommodate anyone who would pick out Jenniethecat for a posting name. The other posts are correct about discounts. Most audiophile lines vary wildly in their margin. There are items that can produce a small profit for the dealer with 50% off. There are many more that only have 35% or 45% total mark up, and from that the dealer must pay shipping and accept responsibility for making the customer happy. In those situations, you would be lucky to get any discount, and 10% or 15% would be the best you could ever hope for.
I hate haggling myself, but I haven't run into a dealer in a while who even tried to sell at list. 10% or so seemed to be what they offered, and I didn't press them further. Floor models and close-outs are another story, of course. There 20% is to expected, and I've done better. Another factor, of course, is gender. Let's face it, when it comes to dealing with female customers, some members of the sales profession can be a little, shall we say, backward. They may be assuming you're an easy mark, in which case you're going to have to be assertive. Don't be afraid to make a low offer. They can always make a counteroffer.
Nobody's asked what the dealer did for you. If low price stuff and the dealer spent a lot of time with you in his store, pay list or maybe 5 to 10% off. If high priced they should have room to discount some more, but will generally be reluctant to do so. If mail order and the item is hard to come by you can still get 10%, if widely available 20%. In the US. In the UK, dealers dont like to discount but they will cover the shipping maybe.

Will the dealer take the item back and not charge a "restocking fee" if you dont like it? Less of a discount should be expected.

Now, there are lots of sales on the internet of equipment that has been discontinued by the manufacturer or current stuff that the dealer is just closing out. Shop around if you havent taken up your local dealer's time.