Schematic Manual - Aragon 8008BB Amplifier neede

My Aragon 8000BB amplifier does not turn on (no clicking sound from relay) , so I took it to a well-known audio store here in Pasadena, CA for repair. However, I was told by the technician that he cannot find the schematics for this particular amplifier.

Any leads to the schematics is very much appreciated.
Indy Audio Labs now owns Aragon. Contact them and see if they can help you. wwwdotindyaudiolabsdotcom. Good luck.
I know this thread is over a year old but I just had the same thing happen to my 8008. Any luck ?? Hoping to hear back.

My Palladium is doing the same thing...the relay is not activating. Anyone have any info on this and/or where the best place is to get Aragons fixed in 2013? My regular Aragon repair shop, in Long Island NY seems shut down.
If you are still looking for repairs, I sent my 8008BB to here,
Sybesma's Electronics
581 Ottawa Ave. Suite 100
Holland, MI 49423

They did an excellent job.