Musicality" in a system? What IS that ?

I thought I would venture to bring a question in, the interest in which unites us all. What has happened, when we describe a system as "musical"? Is it just a subjective and passing state of mind, which fills us with joy as we listen and if so, what does it need for us to get there? System tweaking perhaps or rahter "ego tweaking" like good company, a good wine, a good cigar etc? Both perhaps? Or could there be objective criteria, which have to met for a system to attain this often elusive and volatile quality? I am convinced that there are...but to your mind, what are they?
Gregm, thanks for responding. I feel you make sense in wishing to exclude subjective and situational factors as regards this question. Although they do, I believe, play a role, we will not get anywhere if we just concentrate on those. So I think you point out the right way for us to proceed, in order to get some meaningful answers to this question.

Wow. This is sure to be a lively thread. Before we assign objective values to musical performance of a system, we need a common reference. Not easily accomplished.

In the interim, I suggest that we all compare our system's reproduction of music to the real thing. I know too many audiophiles that sit and listen to only the recordings that make the system sound great. Some even proudly declare that they've only stooped down to attending a concert X number of times in the past X years. This person's judgement of what is natural and musical is worthless to me. He couldn't begin to understand what the inside of Carnagie Hall sounds like on a cold dry winter evening vs a beautiful spring day. He's never SEEN the Blue Note, or the Knitting Factory ... never mind that all of these things are only a short drive from us. Even if you don't live in or near a metro, you must go listen to live music. The local community band at the band shell on a summer evening ... the orchestra at the local college ... the list goes on. These are not only oppertunities to calibrate your ears to what instruments really sound like, you'll be supporting the musicians that make this all possible. These are the people that love the MUSIC and the process of creating it. Where do you think the 3rd trumprt player in Mega Orchestra of Metro got HIS start? Community band, college orchestra ... maybe if there was no audience at those concerts, he never got the thrill of performance and went on to be an accountant instead. Support the craft ... love the MUSIC, not just the reproduction of it.

Personally, I feel that there are many external factors that make my system more or less musical at any given moment. My own mood is paramount ... if I can't relax and accept that I am hearing real instruments the illusion collapses and I might as well listen to the clock radio. On the other hand, and I've said this in previuos threads, when my mood and the MUSIC is truely great, I can be just as moved by the music, be it my big rig or the clock radio providing the sound.

I've rambled, as I'm sure many more will. This is easily the best thread I've seen in a while. I give it my highest rating ... but no secret votes ... thanks for the thread Detlof.
Thankyou for your kind words, 3728slingshot, I heartily agree with you, that without an imprint, often refreshed, of the live event in our mind, heart and soul, we cannot really discern a system's "musicality" . However, also live musical events are not always "musical", as you know well. They are not, if - I can only say this clumsily - the spirit inherent in the composition is not conveyed, the rythm and the tempi, the "colours" soemhow don't feel right....Regards,
You are right, many prformances lack the true spirit of the music. Put plainly, a performance can be just the notes ... not the music. This is something I tell my private students all the time. "Sure you can play the notes ... but where is the music?" It is easy to get discouraged listening to concerts at a local level. Every great musician started somewhere ... and you're bound to meet a few along the way.
When you feel emotionaly connected to the music or the performer. The soul that is the essence, that which makes us smile, laugh or weep......musicality can lift the human spirit. It is a state of bliss. Musicality, for me, begins here. How we approach it may be different but the presentation makes you forget about the equipment and just drown in the magic of the music...Mucicality makes you feel good. If can may you feel small and thankful and humble all at the same time......cheers, Bluenose