vibrapod residue

Before I try something stupid and marr the finish on what otherwise is a blemish free amp...does anyone know of a good trick to remove those little grease rings left over from vibrapod contact? (I wish I had used wax paper as they suggested to prevent ring. Hindsight...)
charlie: i was woderin' if you'd ever tried your supply of cat's tongues in place of vibrapods. yeah, i understand it'd be tough to keep 'em in place, lying prone on their bellies, unless your component is heavy enuf. -kelly
Kelly before you get any bright ideas I would avoid using them under spikes. The heightening of the noise floor might become unbearable.
wirehead: good point, but remember charlie's a vet. he can sedate 'em. i can see it now in an ad for CAT: " natural air bearings and suspension/anesthesiologist supplied." -kelly
Well put Kelly but kinda expensive. Heard they work best under the Rockport turntable.
wirehead: sorry to confess. the rockport's no longer with me. guess what "they" say is true; you can't scam the devil. i'd already worked through three of the subordinate fallen angels to get up to a basis debut V vacuum. they all ratted on me when i made the deal with "the antichrist" for the rockport. just goes to show, again, that one must be really, really careful when choosing friends, or enemies.-Kelly