Advice from apartment dwellers

Looking for speaker /amp / acoustic treatment recommendations and insights for listening at lower volumes in an NYC apartment. I listen mostly to jazz, classical, and world music, with an occasional foray into rock. Sources are a Scillia-modded AR turntable and an Oppo 105. Not really interested in headfi.

Any insights appreciated ~ thanks!
Excellent suggestion Dweller-

I will concur w/ the Thiel loudspeakers, either CS 1.7 or CS 2.4 will be plenty for an apartment system.

BAT, Rogue Audio or Creek integrated amps are on par w/ these speakers.

Cables/cords- AudioQuest, Wireworld, Straight Wire.
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
best "bedroom" systems I had were:

Pathos Twin Towers mated with Vienna Acoustics Mozarts

Cary 300sei mated with ProAc 1sc

Source in both systems was a Naim CD3. Either set-up would be excellent in an apartment setting where you do not want to "shake the walls".

I also like Michael Green Design PZCs for room treatments ... they are some of the most visually acceptable I have seen
THE best low-volume speakers I have ever heard are the Totem
Dreamcatchers which go for about $400 on here.
Read the Stereophile review on them, it tells it like it is.
Thanks all, for your considered responses and information...looks like I have some reading up to do. Many thanks!
"Unless you have a pre WWII apartment, you will never get the ability to listen at sound levels that make the hobby enjoyable."

I think you have it backwards. The walls in pre war buildings are paper thin. At least all the ones that I've been in. I can't tell you how many times I ran to answer the phone, only to find out that it was one of my neighbours phones ringing, and not mine.