I'm in a preamp pickle: ARC Ref 1 VS CJ 17LS

I have my preamp choice nailed down to an Audio Research Reference 1 and a Conrad Johnson Premier 17 LS. I would appreciate some opinions about this choice that may help me decide. Additionally, the Audio Research is about $700 more. Both are used.
My system:
Thiel 3.6
Clearaudio Performance SE with Maestro
Audio Research PH5
Classe CA-2200
Current pre is a Cary slp 308
Thanks in advance
Good call John, I have always had CJ preamps in my system, until recently, with my Thiels. I never went higher up the food chain that a premier 14, I beleive the 17 started CJ into the more "revealing" sound.
I owned a 17LS2- if you can find the "2" I would say go with that. It was hands down the best preamp I ever owned. Before buying it I compated it to a very highly touted $16,000 preamp. It wasn't even close- the 17LS2 trounced the other preamp.

ARC stuff tends to be drier, but the 17LS and 17LS2 were CJ moving away from the quintessential CJ golden sound.

Like I said, a terrific preamp.
Thanks for your opinions. I think I'll look for a CJ.
Although I have heard that the ARC stuff can be harsh when listening for extended periods, I suppose I was just dreaming that they softened up with a "REFERENCE" preamp.
I've owned the CJ17ls and pretty familiar with most ARC gear.

Most people giving you advice aren't really knowledgeable about what they are saying.

Here's the first and PRIMARY questions to ask if you are considering the 17LS:

1. Will you be running long interconnects from it to your amp?
2. What is the input impedance of the amp?

Probably the only downside to the 17LS is that it isn't balanced and can't drive long cable runs to the amp as well as other CJ preamps like the ART. If you're using low capacitance cables and short runs, then the 17LS is a great option. You will be getting essentially the same performance of the legendary ART at a fraction of the price.

As for ARC gear, you can almost NEVER go wrong with them either. It will give you balanced outputs, which could be an advantage.

Both pieces would have more in common than dissimilar as they are true reference level preamps.

BTW, the 17LS has one other quirk that may bother some people. It's resister ladder volume control clicks at each change of volume.

Personally though, I'm wondering why you feel the need to change preamps from the Cary.