Mcintosh Amps w/ B&W 801'S

I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM THOSE WHO HAVE HEARD MAC AMPS W/801'S. I want to purchase the n801's. i need big power 600 watts plus per side. i may even vertical bi-amp. i have been learning about mac stuff recently. i currently have balanced audio cd, ss pre, and monos. please let me know your experiences. thanks
i made a mistake....they ( the dealer) only offers inhouse credit. sorry, too much egg nog and brandy!
Well for a serious prospective 20k buyer I don't know if that is the best business practice especially buying at retail prices. The only way to know for sure is to listen with your own ears. You need work something out with these order takers and make them earn their money or look elsewhere and let them know. If they don't care, well there isn't much you can do about that type of attitude.
Obviously you have a lot of money on your hands, so I would skip the Macs all together. I've heard the 801 matched with krells 600c and it sounded wonderful. It was in a large 20x35 room and the room still seemed too small. These speakers were also meant to be played loud and do not sound that great played soft. Either way, I have never heard of a hi-end dealer that didn't allow in home demo's. I would not buy from them, because obviously they are trying to trap you. Also, most dealers will give you at least 15-20% off when you spend this kind of money. Dealers I deal with will give you 15% right off the bat on $1000 gear. There is approximately 30-45% margin on this stuff so you should be able to save yourself a few thousand bucks.
I have the 801 Matrix III's powered with Levinson amp/pre and they sound great. I have listened to the N801 with Levinson at the dealer, again great sound, but can't afford the upgrade to the Nautilus right now. I can't help with the sound of the Mac/N801 combo because I've never listened to Mac gear. I do second, third, fourth (or whatever we are up to) the dealer comment. If you are considering spending this kind of loot and he won't let you borrow the amps for a few days find another dealer. There is probably a reasin he claims to be the No. 1 Mac dealer. Once youbuy you are held hostage. Keep the Mac or buy somthing from the guy. Find another