Help with tube amps

I have recently become quite interested in puying a tube amp. I have no knowledge about tube amps but have been told of the magical sound a tube amp will make. I am looking to be able to put this tube amp into my system once in a while in order to experience this magic with my husband through a night of romantic acoustics every once in a while. Although my budget may seem low ($1000), I am hoping that there are some amps out there that will suit my needs. Amps I have looked at so far: Houston GSP-02, Sonic Frontiers SFS-80, and Decware Zen triode. Looking for any other suggestions and/or advice.
Hello Emily. I would concurr with the Conrad Johnson recommendations as well. The older mv45,mv 50, mv52 are wonderfully musical with near zero ear fatique, and can be found for far less than your budget. All of them are el34 based. Roger magesky's rm-9 is another consideration. Best of luck on your endevour.
Gosh the 8417's are great as I probably know more about the sound of those amps than anyone else other than Mike Sanders...If you think they are good my friend you had better get yourself a listen to the Quicksilver TRIODES.
The 8417's are a joke compared to the TRIODES.
After exisiting as a solid state fanatic for 30 years I recently purchased a second system that for the first time is tube based. It is a Jolida 302B intergrated amp, Jolida 100 CD player, Meadowlark Kestrel 2s with Synergistic and Tara interconnect/speaker cables. For under $3500 with cabling and a little tube rolling, this is an amazing system. There is a distinct difference in sound that, for classical and jazz, is much better through the tube system. Much sweeter and easier on the ears is the overall impression I give this system. I hear as much detail as I do with the solid state system, it's just a more laid back, gentler impact. I'm not a total convert either way; each type of system has its limitations and advantages.
She asked for cheap stuff that will work guys - what about George Wright? In your price range and new and it's as good as the more expensive stuff.