Hegel H300

Anyone familiar with this integrated amp or had a chance to hear it at the RMAF this year?

I would be very interested in any comments.

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Another Integrated amplifier that may be a better investment than the Hegel H-300 is the CODA CSIb which has better build quality than the Hegel with a larger power supply and a transformer twice as large as the one in the Hegel. WBT binding post and tiffany RCA inputs. 330 watts into 8ohms and 660 watts into 4ohms. Easily drive 1ohm loads. Very rich, warm tube like sound. Smooth as silk. Retails for $5800.00 Hand built in California with a ten year warranty. Weighs 55 pounds.
I own a Hegel H-30 amplifier, using it as a stereo amp driving a pair of Venture speakers; it replaced a pair of Bryston 28sst squares, and it is a much better amp. I have all the detail; bass, slam, sound stage, and detail...I leave it on 24/7; and have had no reliability issues. Have owned it for around one year now and absolutely love it. I think it plays well above its price class..one of the best anywhere. If you are considering Hegel; trust your instincts and enjoy your purchase. As other posters are pointing out; there are other contenders; and system synergy must be taken into account..in my system it works tremendously well. Good luck.
Audio zen, what's so great about the Coda? I don't care where it's made and I live in New York. A transformer twice as large as the one supplied with the Hegel? I don't believe you. Back yourself up. Have you ever heard the Hegel? Who sells Coda or who's the distributor? Half the inhabitants of California are not Americans.
Back myself up? You betchum junior! The founding engineer's
at Coda are Eric Lauchli, Doug Dale, the President of the company, and Lorin Peterson. They are legendary. They were the designer's with Nelson Pass at Threshold back in the 80's. Threshold was a world class leader in soild state components. The build and sound quality of Threshold was outstanding. The Hegel H-300 uses a 1kVA transformer. The Coda CSIb uses a 2kVA transformer. Twice as large. The Hegel peaks at 120 amperes per channel. The Coda peaks at 150 amperes per channel. Coda only sells factory direct in the states. Over 80% of their sales are in Europe with France being their largest customer. They don't advertise in the states. Why? Very strong word of mouth reputation.
Their products sell themselves. Would Hegel be in business if they didn't advertise? I doubt it.