Jeff Rowland or Mark Levinson???

I'm looking to buy a new amp,I took a Jeff Rowland home and it sounded great. The Mark Levinson is 150lbs you just can't take one home to try, does anyone own either or and can compared these two amps company's? Thanks
well all i can say is: i love my 8T with my consonance driving my alon V MKII with millerized woofers "millersound" i have friends coming over that have much more money invested in their sound and they say they just can't match the sound my jr's put out
if you are looking for perfect bass control and great authority, hear to the JR 312 ...
this is really amazing
I'm voting JRDG after buying a full set of his recent gear. The man is an amazing designer.Although very quiet with virtually zero promotion he is still working 10 hrs a day.Just saw a blurb in TAS by RH that he too is smitten. HP had already offered highest praises fwiw.The 625 stereo amp that I have drives Revel Salon 2's effortlessly.
I've owned Jeff's model 8 with choke for about 20 years now and it still brings a smile to my face. VERY few ss amps can compete with it even today...20 years later!
This thread is very old and I think, ML is out of race anyway. IMO, it was never a sonic competition to 'Rowland, listening to ML was for me always like having a shower with thousands of little ice cubes and I agree with Davey, the Model 8 was a outstanding unit and still is.