What's the best sounding dome tweeter available?

I'm thinking of trying the DIY route for a pair of full-range speakers. In your opinion, what is the BEST dome tweeter available and the best place to buy it?
Thanks and happy listening!
The best drivers for DIY kits are offered on e-speakers.com...i've got a design in the making...if you want to know more email me
When you say dome do you mean both inverted and "regular." The Accuton's and Focals are inverted. What always confuses me a little is the disparity in pricing and how people talk about them. The Morel MDT-33 is only $120 and the Hiquphon's are only $90 but then the others jump to $200 for the Scan-speak revelator and some of Focal's. I don't know which one is better though. I've heard others say the Vifa ring radiator (at less than $100?) is good, but that the Scan-speak ring-radiator isn't that great??? (and several times the price). But the Morel is a good one. I only think the real differences kick in, where what's the best here isn't the best there is if you are crossing over really low, say 2,000hz. And then of course the 3/4" domes will have better off-axis response and freq. increases. The 3/4 are more suited for higher xover points where you can reap the benefits of good off axis, but if the xover is low then its back to the 1", especially if you're going to play loud. I think VMPS stated they feel one of the Focal tweets is the best in the electrodynamic transducer area. I'll leave that diamond Accuton alone.
Any opinions or thoughts on the Esotar or other models from Dynaudio? Know anything about their new Esotar-2?
i've asked a simular question on madisound...and the speakerphiles told me that question has too many conditions with it..xover design is very important..you may want to consider ribbons in your tweeter search
My opinion is that you have to make a desicion on what type of speaker you are going to design. High spl, or simple 6db phase coherent, or a simple two way, the more speakers the more hassle in cabnet and crossover, plus trying to match the voicing of the drivers, kevlar, carbon fiber (notch filters up the wazzoo),aerogel, paper. I have been around a few home brews and I have some opinions. I think for High spl and wide sound stage you cannot beat the Focal ti-120tdx5 it's about $79,
however it has to be crossed over rather high and steep, at least 12db at 3500 (maybe 3000). Dynaudio makes great stuff but I don't think they sell to the public anymore. The morel MDT33 is nice but I am not in love with it. Ribbon tweeters can be amazing but integrating them with the midrange can be interesting especially in a two way design they are so fast and the midbass driver is usually pushed to extremes due to low frequency reproduction. I don't know, but take your time and research, research, research.
I am going to cause mass chaos now... have you ever considered a full range driver like the fostex Fe208sigma with a high spl 15" woofer covering maybe 50-500hz. There are some nice fulls on the market today.

Good Luck