any new Quad 11/12L owners?

Interested in seeing what others are using for electronics,cables,etc....
Thought they were fatiguing in dealers show room with new arcam DIVA amp. Don't know which 65 /75 / 85.
I was able to listen the 11L with Arcam (A75 + CD72), I found the set up very good. Quiet airy, good imaging. Also heard on Nad (C320 BEE + 541i)..Still good but the Arcam set up was better..

I agree... I found the dynamics,speed,detail,imaging, and soundstage abilities of the Quads to far outperform anything I heard in the 5k and under monitor price point...they really do exhibit "static" speed similiar to their ELS cousins...and have deep, clean , bass to boot... all in all...a great design...with impeccable build quality....
Regarding the speakers, I bought the "12L" the first time I heard it! I can only echo the praise of the other posters.

Regarding the comment about being fatiguing, all I can say is that if your electronics pick it up-you'll hear it. I had some decent speakers before these, but with the Quads you hear EVERY THING with no coloration. Some don't care for that level of realism which is certainly understandable.

In answer to your electronics question, I am running a Arcam Diva A85 integrated amp/Arcam CD62 with Harmonic Technology Truth-Link Silver interconnects and Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cable.

Once the speakers have been broken in I may look at different speaker cable, but for right now I'm very pleased
Glad you like them. They are very dynamic and clear. WhatHiFi reviewed an all Quad system and noted that Quad could be bright depending on the recording. Just a caution.