How many Maggie owners have special stands?

I have recently put cinder blocks and top of my Maggie stands and am amazed at the improvement. The midrange became the main focus of the sound (not the bass) and the speakers came alive in the midrange in a way that I could not achieve with amps or wire.

I want to take my stands to the extreme now and make them absolutely rigid.

My questions are:

What is everyone else doing and how does it affect the sound?

Has anyone run posts from the floor to the ceiling and attached the speakers to them?

Maybe the second question is not necessary but you get the idea, I am convinced this is the kind of improvment Maggie owners want, more 'snap' and micro dynamics is what I hear.

Recently I have been using Mye sound stands with MG-1.6's with great success. These should be standard equipment for the speakers. They allow precise height and tilt control and a mid-panel brace that prevents "flapping" that sometimes occurs on bass transients. Highly recommended.
Part of the value of Maggies over standmounts,etc is that stands are not required...I am not discounting the above comments...but the real key area(and has always been) with Mags is speaker placement...especially in the rear....when set up correctly...the need for any additional the case of the really a non-issue...
phasecorrect thanks for the response but can you explain what you mean about: speaker placement...especially in the rear

What does that mean? the distance from the back wall to the speaker? or maybe it means sound treatment?

I agree that placement is critical but when better sound of this magnitude is available by improving the stands it is an issue for me.
When set up correctly...that is 3-4 ft behind the speakers...and a good 2-3 ft. away from side walls...the need for additional stands is diminished...the overall soundstage doesnt change...especially in regards to depth...and imaging with Mags has always been good regardless of speaker depth....I would personally invest more in amps,sources,and cables than monkey with stands that Magnepan doesnt endorse....
If you want to try something then use the method that is width of front wall times .246 to determine distance from the side walls and front wall length time .447 to determine distance from the front wall. I saw this in a recent discussion and the link is to see it. I tried it and it was very interesting the difference. My front wall is a little over 15' in length so my speakers are approx. 51" from the sides and approx 81" from the front wall. With my seating area centered approx 85" inches from the speakers which is the same distance as the speakers are apart from each other. If you get a chance try it some time.