Tannoy Westminster amp matching question.

Hello again everyone. Its been a while but I'd like your advice if possible.

I'm waiting for a pair of Tannoy Westminster royal SE's to arrive ( end of dec ). And I'm wondering what to amps to match them with. I have very limited funds at the moment(budget of 3k or so), having lashed out on the speakers, and I'm thinking I'd like to go SET power amps again. So looking at second hand bargains. At the moment I'm thinking Sophia Electric 300b or Art Audio symphony II. Alternative suggestions please !!!!

To give you an idea of my tastes. The system I've put together, that I enjoyed the most, was Avantgarde Duo's and Yamamoto A08s. Loved it. I listen to all sorts of music: Rock, choral, opera, jazz. Love well done female vocals :-)

Thanks for your time.
The underlying assumption you imply is that high powered solid state has a sound - well that's not true, its going to be speaker dependent.

I find the main 'sound' of most transistor amps the is the slight presence of odd-ordered harmonics, which manifests to the human ear as 'brightness'. The human ear is more sensitive to odd ordered harmonics than just about anything else due to the fact that it uses them to determine how loud a sound is. However I do agree that not all speakers work with all amps and there is indeed a speaker dependency! For more on that see http://www.atma-sphere.com/Resources/Paradigms_in_Amplifier_Design.php

My point was that you need an amp that is driving the speakers properly and with over 20 years experience with Tannoy 15" drivers in various cabinets, I do believe that many folk incorrectly assume that you only need a few watts because of the high efficiency.

Agreed. I regard the Tannoy has being moderate efficiency rather than high efficiency. You need some wattage.

I believe that controlling the 15" driver, which has been specifically designed to be phase coherent through the crossover point at 1k, is paramount to maintaining that design intent.

For this you don't need high power- you need good bass extension out of the amp. In fact the driver in the Tannoy seems to be happier if the amp has a lower damping factor rather than higher, typical of a lot of speakers with efficiencies in the upper 90s or higher. My speakers are 98 db with dual 15" drivers, yet they are easily 'controlled' by a 5-watt amp, even if that 5 watts is really not enough power to satisfy.
There`s nothing better than hearing something yourself.If would seem a good tube amplifier with the Tannoy is a very good match.I agree with you, an emotional involvement with music is essential. If this vital element is absent what`s the point of listening to music. It you are`nt moved and responding,it`s just a waste of your time.
So I heard 2301's and theat was a lot of fun though very expensive.I purchased Neo500,I will report what I think about it when I get it.
I bought recently the westminister SE and am having the LFD Mistral integrated with ver good results. Adding in the Musical Fidelity tube buffer then having best of both worlds now with ease of solid state stability with that tube sound.

Have tried Bat vk55 mono blocks with vk32 with very disappointing results.
The Naim supernait also did not cut it.
LFD Mistral ( original old version ) 's clean sounding though only 50 w ( I think so) is sooooo nice.

I am now thinking of getting the Quad combination ...
Art,I found out TW need high power tube amp,the more the better,shocking results