Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?

Just curious as to what speakers you've got mated with your Bryston gear. I've got PSB Stratus Silvers (Bryston 3B amp/BP4 preamp). I've had 'em for about 3 years now and I'm coming down with a case of upgrade syndrome.

I recently upgraded from a 4B SST to a 14B SST and I'm driving Aerial 7B's. I'm satisfied with the combination. It does tend to sound a tad harsh and brittle at loud volumes. I've mitigated this somewhat by using Harmonic Technology Truthlinks between my EMC-1UP and the BP-25 and between the BP-25 and 14B SST. The Electrocompaniet helped this problem as well. I'm expecting to switch to a tubed preamplifier (First Sound or VAC) in the near future and can report back if people are interested. In the final analysis, the jury is still out regarding the synergy between the Aerials and the Bryston. There may be a better fit, but I'm sticking with this combination for now.
I'm using Talon Khorus X speakers with my BP-25/4BST, and OH MY GOD ..... I wish you all could listen to them!!!! If I tried to put to words what I hear/feel from them, I would say.... heart pounding, goose bumps, together with that feeling when you feel your face blush... except the blush is over your entire body and it happens all the time!!! I not over exagerating either.
SP1.7/4B-ST to B & W CDM-9NTs

Pretty good combo, I am looking to upgrade the speakers soon. Considering more B & Ws, Silverline, and Dynaudio, as a start.