Gilmore Audio planars revealed

The Gilmore Audio speaker have finally been photographed for the world to see: Gilmore Audio

Disclaimer - I'm a dealer for the Gilmores, though at this point I'm still awaiting my first pair, as they haven't begun shipping yet.

The Gilmores push the edge of the envelope for planar technology in several areas. Innovations include an extremely thin (3 mil) Kapton diaphragm; bass extension to below 20 Hz; easy 8-ohm load combined with 92 dB efficiency (you can drive 'em with Atma-Sphere M-60's!); and maximum output level in the mid to upper 120's.

Designer Mark Gilmore is the webmaster of the Atma-Sphere Owner's Group website, as well as of the Sound Lab Owner's Group site. He's been around for a while, but this is his first commercial loudspeaker design (to the best of my knowledge).

I haven't heard 'em yet so can't comment on the sound (I know, that's all that really matters after all). I'm expecting a pair before the end of the year, and will post comments then.

thanks for your responses, duke. where is sellerwith's reply about these and other questions?

vertical dispersion: they cut off above and below the ribbon. i wasn't sure but you just confirmed it. this may not be noticed by some on the model 2 but will be noticed on the smaller model 3.

i don't agree the horizontal comb filtering is of negligible significance when it approaches 1/4 wavelength. in the horizontal plane it's more perceivable. people go to lots of trouble to get phase coherency. says a lot on the subject.
Wel, at least they are thick skinned. Imagine my surprise thumbing through the latest Absolute Sound when I see a three page ad for the Gilmores. Still making the same suspect claims of course, but using even worse creative. I've worked in advertising for 20+ years, but this sexist, moronic attempt to sell most likely good speakers makes me want to gag.

If Mr Gilmore 'Audio Guru' is reading this, change your advertising. You are making yourself a joke.
Question for people. If we buy the speakers for 19,000 dollars, do we atleast get that shirt Mr Gilmore is wearing? Comeon guys that is the sexiest looking shirt I'v ever seen.
Not having seen this thread prior to today, i just wanted to drop back in and comment that these are like "baby" versions of what i'm running in my main system. For sake of clarity, i'm running a line array of E-stat tweeters, large E-stat mid-panels and multiple dipolar push-pull woofers. The push-pull design was chosen to increase speed and lower distortion of the dynamic drivers while the dipolar pattern mimics the radiation pattern of the mids and tweeters. All of this is actively crossed and driven by 6 mono-blocks to the tune of 2400+ wpc. Toodles.... Sean