Legacy 20/20 and Tubes

I am running ARC VT-100 mkIII and a LS-25 pre-amp. Would this combination mate well with the 20/20.
Yeah Baby, Legacy and and some of those Martin Logan's are among the finest speakers on the face of the planet !
If a 3 octave bass plateau that starts at 300 Hz and levels out at 40 Hz with a +7 dB peak centered at 100 Hz combined with a +4 dB peak at 6 KHz, a -3 dB dip at 9 KHz and another big +8 dB peak at appr 12 KHz with horrible transient response factored in is someone's idea of a perfect world, i think that i have a VERY different idea of what "perfection" is. Obviously, the "Cerwin-Vega Sound" has had a bigger influence on the audiophile market than i thought it did. Sean

PS... All test results & measurements were taken from the January 2004 Stereophile review of the Legacy 20/20. If you want the truth, learn how to read and interpret unbiased test results, not the sales hype that some call a "review".

PPS... Bare in mind that Legacy posted a copy of this review on their website without contradicting or even a single comment trying to refute how non-linear Stereophile's measurements were. Given the amount of rave reviews that Legacy products have garnered over the years, ALL of them from publications that lack testing facilities, you have to wonder just how "golden eared" these reviewers really are!?!?!?
As a very proud owner of the 20/20, listen for yourself; throw out any measurements someone publishes if you like what you hear go with it.

Being in the car business, you see this all the time with road tests. Car A beats car B in measurements, but car A actually stinks. Take them both to a track and B, sure enough, stomps A.

Here's a good way to tell...Anyone NOT happy with their Legacies? I have toured their plant and must say it is impressive how hand built and finished these things are. If you have a quality issue, call them direct. They are a small company, if you call them a second time, you can get the same person, and they remember you - that is nice.

It seems only Sean doesn't like Legacy, and he continually refers to the measurements from one review. A review, by the way, in which the reviewer praised the Focus in the text (regardless of measurements...if you actually read the review).