Legacy 20/20 and Tubes

I am running ARC VT-100 mkIII and a LS-25 pre-amp. Would this combination mate well with the 20/20.
Sean, I do not doubt your intent to be helpful... That said, I believe the initial poster can listen for himself and make his own judgement as to whether he likes the Focus 20/20 or not (maybe he already did before posting for all you or I know).

All of this technical jargon though is not answering the poster's initial question, and most likely would put anyone off *any* speaker, Legacy or otherwise. Really no offense is intended, but I feel sometimes it is better to keep things simple and on track.

I have a pair of 20/20's and I have found that the electronics and interconnects make a world of difference. I guess that goes with any hi-end speakers. I find they sound best, from the components I have tried, with the Anthem Statement P5 and D1. I am not a tube lover but I would tend to agree with the folks on the thread that the load for the low end would be difficult. Try bi-amp with a mosfet power-amp on the bottom and tubes on the top.

I am not as technical as some of the folks here, but I have played an instrument in wind ensembles and orchestras for 20 years. I just know what instruments should sound like and where they should be placed. And the same goes for your listening environment. I dont know what the best pair of speakers are in this price range, but I bet if you ask 10 folks, they would all have their own version of the best.

Good luck in your search and remember, after you decide and bring it home, there will always be something else out there to come along that will seem to be better.
I agree with Nickcal. My system with the Focus 20/20 is very sensitive to any changes in gear and cables. And with all SS pieces, I have an incredibly realistic musical presentation with a high, wide, and deep soundstage. They thrive on current and that seems to be a tough challenge for many amps [no pun intended].

I admit to have heard better, but those better systems were priced beyond my priced beyond my limits.
I have owned the AR-9 wich sean has, I know that his are highly moddified and I loved the AR-9 but the focus wich my father owns and has had for maybe 4 years now trounces the AR-9 in every way, the ribbon tweeters are sweet and detailed, the bass attack is fast and tight and the mids are exceptional to say the least, I never have listened to a test but I have listened to speakers of all makes models and ranges, can you get better? ofcourse...but at the 20/20 price point they are exceptional speakers and the cabinets are excellent, tests dont tell the whole story, look at any test of a tube amp and most leave you wondering how they can sound good.....but as said before nobody has ever tapped their toe to a test, but many have to the 20/20's strong,detailed, and controlled sound.
P.S. I thought this was about the music?