Current Mirage OM series vs. Msi series speakers?

I have owned a pair of Mirage M3si speakers for almost 10 years. Numerous components have come and gone in my system during this 10 year period but I have never felt the need to change or upgrade my speakers. Recently I read some reviews of the OM-5 speakers and the reviews seem to indicate that the OM-5 speakers may be better than the old M1si speakers. I heard the first OM series speakers (the OM-6 speakers) and I did not like them. I thought they were a real step down from the Msi series. Has anyone changed from the Msi series to the current OM series (the OM-5, 7, and 9)and felt that it was a real improvement?
Thanks for your input Joe. I think I will keep my Msi series speakers (M3si front, M7si rear, and MCsi center) for now. Doesn't sound like the money I would have to spend to change my system would be well spent. Worse yet, I might end up regretting it.

I think keeping the M3si is a good choice. I thought the M3si's sounded better than even the M1's to be honest...could have been the room or amps though. Both were very good speakers IMO and I'm sure can compete with most any speaker in a large room with lots of power.

IF you like your Mirage sound, don't bother...stay with the M series. Only area of improvement might be bi-amping your speakers. good luck
Hey Mcdh1, What didn't you like about the OM-6? I'v been debating between the two but I'll never get a chance to compare them. The one I buy is the only speaker I'll hear. I posted this question a few months ago but didn't get much feedback. Thanks Tom
Soupbone217: The OM-6 produced a huge and very diffuse soundstage. Imaging was very poor and the bass did not integrate well with the top drivers (the bass drivers were on the sides). The OM-6 was also much shorter than the M3si and M1si speakers so the soundstage was not as realistic. It sounds as though these issues have been addressed with the new OM-5 and OM-7 speakers. To me the OM-6 was made with home theater use in mind and not two channel audio.