Meadowlark Ospreys II ? Low Feq. Response?

How are the Meadowlark Ospreys (series II I think, the current modle) for base response? Some transmission line speakers can sound a bit lacking.

Please let me know!

Dr Ken
That's interesting, because we're on the same page. Go to and check out Wayne Donnelly's reviews of the Osprey and the Von Schwiekert VR-2's and there's also a review shootout between the two.

I emailed Wayne and asked him if a comparison against the VR-4jr's was coming since the 4's and the Osprey's are more in line moneywise. He told me that he had just come from an initial listening session with the VR-4jr's and his reaction was "Wow!". He's in the process of reviewing them now.

Like I said, I've heard the Osprey's but not the Von S's, but the people and dealers I've talked to say that the VR-4jr's are awesome, and even the VR-2's at $2500.00 will rock your world.

The funny thing is, I think that I want new speakers because I've had the Silver Sigs for so long, it's time for the "new car". Honestly, I still have to smile and say "this really sounds good" everytime I sit down and listen to my system. I replaced my Krell pre-amp and amp and Theta GEN III DAC with the Musical Fidelity A308cr pre_amp and amp, and the Tri-Vista DAC. I added the DAC last because it was on order, but after I put the DAC in the system, my bass now actually vibrates the items in my room with the low synth notes from Enya. The bass is clean and tight with no boom at all. You may consider looking into your electronics and accessories as well as speakers for more bass.

Samac, I didn't mean anything bad in what I said. I've heard unbroken in Meadowlarks that I wouldn't even consider after hearing them. Then I finally heard the Osprey's that were broken in and they were really nice. I didn't audition them at home like you did, and who knows what might have happened if I had. I've seen some speakers that just don't sound right in given places no matter what you try or have heard somewhere else.
Hey Krell man, I know you didn't. I wanted to make sure people new the conditions the were auditioned under and the fact that I believe Meadowlark is an outstanding company. Also, I believe you cannot over state how important an audition with your equipment and your room is. I learned that the hard way. Dang near knocked me out of this hobby. Take care.

My Ospreys really opened up in the 180 to 200 hour range and I heard improvements up to about 500 hours.
I agree, if you can in or close to the sweet spot the Silver sigs are amazing! But in todays dollars they are probably a pair of 12,000$!
"Krell Man" is correct in his last statement..."Then I finally heard the Osprey's that were broken in and they were really nice. I didn't audition them at home like you did, and who knows what might have happened if I had. I've seen some speakers that just don't sound right in given places no matter what you try or have heard somewhere else..."

Like all speakers, the proper placement is key to achieve the "sweet spot" of your listening position area.

I run my Ospreys II (and Nighthawks) with 200w/ch. with McIntosh Amps, and they really sound outstanding, surpassing European speaker lines like the Sonus Faber (which utilize the same driver elements) and also US made Wilson Maxx II or Puppies II, which all of them use the same drivers by Vifa, ScanSpeak and Focal, but these speaker manufacturers charge an arm and a leg (way overpriced!), sometimes 4 to 5 x as much, for speakers lines that are even more finicky towards their placement, break-in, and sound performance. (But they advertise constantly in the TAS and Stereophile! to receive favorable reviews).