Rivals for B&W 805 Signature in small rooms?

Size of the speaker doesn't matter if it works well in small rooms.

Which loudspeakers out there can beat the B&W 805 Signature?!
Look at new BW range launched this week.New Nautilus 805s.Looks like Nautilus 805 but with "inside " of Nautilus 805 Signature = sound of Signature at lesser price ?Not Diamond tweeter as in the other diamond range.But then would beat the 805 Signatures.Many say that 705 beats Nautilus 805.Diamond tweeter will shurely follow in the 805s and 805 Signature in the not to distant future,say 6 months ?You have to keep up with BW as they like to change frequently.
I second the Merlin's.Look at the Merlin TSM and VSM's.
I have to disagree Bluebull, in looking at B&W's history I do not see where they "change frequently". Also, there is nothing reported that the new N805S has the "inside" of the S805, not to mention the S805 having a different tweeter, nor IMO would I expect a N805 with the Diamond tweeter, if so they would of introduced it with this line.
New Nautilus 805s does not have the new diamond tweeter.The 805 and 800 Signatures,also does not have the diamond tweeter.The new 800,801,802 and 803 Diamonds do have the new tweeter.I did say "not diamond tweeter as in the other diamond range"Time will tell if I or you are right,Brian.Funny nothing on the 804.If the new Nautilus 805s are no different why the huge increase in price ?
Hi Chris, I am aware that the Signature series does not have the diamond tweeter, what I said was that the Signature series uses a different tweeter over the Nautilus series, so the N805, and new N805S, does not have the same tweeter as the S805. Furthermore, where did I say the new N805S didn't change from the current N805? I too thought it interesting that there is no mention of the N804, then again I would purchase the S805 over the N804 any day.