Rivals for B&W 805 Signature in small rooms?

Size of the speaker doesn't matter if it works well in small rooms.

Which loudspeakers out there can beat the B&W 805 Signature?!
Bluebull, I know the (basic) differences of the new line, that is - new crossover, new LF diaphragms, modified cabinet and diamond tweeter, where applicable...this is what Kal has posted anyway from the info he has.
Yes,I know.What is not clear is the changes on the N805s(the new model)compared to the N805(original) and the 805 Signatures.See hificlube.net.So I would also like to know.Do not confuse N805s with N805 Signature.
This is the short fall of the 'net, miscommunication at times; I am not sure what I stated that has you believing that I am confusing the 805 speakers.

Let's get the names straight:

N805 - The origianl Nautilus 805

N805S - The new Nautilus 805 (The new Nautilus line appears that have a suffux of D or S after the model of every speaker, D=Diamond and S=Serialze (?) -- I think that is what I read S was.

S805 - Signature 805, this is not part of the Nautilus line but rather the Prestige line.

As for differences, I can list some between the N805 and S805.

This is taken from What HiFi:

"...But the changes are more than skin-deep: the speakers use an improved tweeter, with a raised top-end cut-off point of 50kHz. Distortion at these high frequencies has been minimised by silver-plating the magnet centre pole."

"The mid/bass unit has also been adjusted to give a faster and tighter response, principally by the adoption of a magnet some 40% bigger than that in the standard N805. An aluminium centre 'bullet' is fitted instead of the standard speaker's plastic piece, thus cleaning up the upper midrange, and the crossover has been extensively upgraded."

I can also note, the obvious beautiful finish, different binding posts and a re-tuning of the Flowport. I will not claim all the above is a complete list, but some I know.

As for the extent of the changes on the new N805S speakers, they were just announced, we don't fully know yet; it appears to be cabinet and some crossover changes for sure, other than that, time will reveal it.
Hi, Sony:

IMHO, it's hard to find monitors that don't excel B&W in all parameters at the price range. Throw a stone in the
the next CES, and you'll hit something better. I went to audition B&Ws many times, and always leave scratching my head. I prefer speakers that are time and phase aligned, but that pretty much rules out monitors. It's all very subjective, though.

Good luck,
No miscommunication of the net.I also do not believe that you are confusing the different 805 models(You do own the Signatures)I am shure you are very familiar with the extensive product line up.
I also am very familiar with the differences between the N805 and the 805 Signatures-old news by now.
What I do want to know are 1) the differences between the
N805 and the new N805s(perhaps s is for standard?) if there is a difference.
2)The differences between the new N805s and the 805 Signatures We know the dif in finish and the tweeter.Anything else ?
Perhaps AVGURU can enlighten us ?
Please note that I am asking these questions as a matter of interest and not because I am "anti" BW nor do I plan to buy BW.Like I told you before I did order Merlin VSM-MM's.
We all share a common goal.