Rivals for B&W 805 Signature in small rooms?

Size of the speaker doesn't matter if it works well in small rooms.

Which loudspeakers out there can beat the B&W 805 Signature?!
Chris, I didn't think you were anti-B&W, the purpose for my posts is this that I don't like things stated as fact that are not or not known yet and admit that I wrongly interpret how things are said sometimes.

As I stated, I don't think that anyone knows, in detail, all the differences yet with the new Nautilus line, outside of those at B&W; so in a nutshell, I understand your questions, but I think you will have to wait just a little while for the answers, anything else is speculation and opinion, like others, I have mine.

Will be interesting to see eventualy what they did do with the N805s.
Not much speculation on the 800D,801D and 803D-quite clear.
Also interesting to see if they discontinue the 804 and 802 or at a later stage also bring out D versions or keep as it is.Perhaps consolidating the range.Fewer models cut production cost.
If the prices quoted are correct it would be quite more expensive than the current range,wouldn't it ?(Not shure what the prices are in the States)