What`s with the Hyperion HPS 938

Last year when the 938 went on the market , one rave review followed the other ,everybody seemed to be amazed with the level of performance this 4k speaker delivered. But the last months ,more and more stories appear of people hearing the 938 and dislike them very much.
One guy bought them for 1500usd but returned them after a trial home!!!
Or Steve Rochlin and companions are deaf or there is something really strange going on.
An interesting question, the answer to which I suspect has less to do with the speakers themselves than the folks who buy them based on reviews with out regard to how they might actually sound in their room with their equipment. When they get the speakers they just don't "sound" like they fantacized that they would using their equipment, they become unhappy, complain, then put them up for sale.

In my limited experience I have found that room and system synergy is critical and the more revealing the speaker the more critical it becomes. Room set-up for the new speakers is critical - you don't just plunk them down in the same place as the old speakers - its back to the drawing board. Room treatments less so but still must be considered - you may need less, more, or different. And matching electronics to get the sound you want is a major task.

I believe that most high quality, revealing but neutral sounding speakers can sound supurb (limited only by the room) but you have to make a dedicated effort to make it happen.

This doesn't mean that there aren't some overly enthusiastic reviewers about who will gush over something new that really doesn't have legs, but you won't find a conspiracy of reviewers from different mags all saying great things if there isn't some good reason.
I agree with Newbee! I just started a new job 130 miles from home. I had to move into a one room, 12x12 converted barber shop with a linoleum floor until my wife can get a transfer and move up here.

My system still sounds good, but nowhere near the same as at home. The size of the room and what's in the room affects what you hear more than you might realize, especially if the sound is being reflected, bouncing off of everything and hitting your ears from all directions.

I forget who said it, but the comment was that how "good" your stereo is, is ultimately based on what you hear, and the speakers and the room have the most effect on that.
Well, I just got mine. Settled on an used ARC LS15 pre and Krell KSA100 to drive the bugger, must say that the combo sounds better than at the dealer's place. The speakers are not yet fully run in for that matter.

Maybe the lowish price of the 938s misled those guys into using lesser electronics which do not bring the best out of the speakers. Of course I agree with Newbee and Krell-man that the room acoustics play the most important part.
