D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
I noticed on B&O's ICE power website that they are in need of engineers and are taking job applications. I found out this morning that the new Pasquale Class-D amps that Jeff Rowland will be using are designed by former B&O engineers.
AudioZen, by pure coincidence, I received today some additional specs for the class D Rowland Continuum Series 2 integrated amplifier.

Integrated Amplifier OUTPUT POWER: 400W @ 8 ohms/800W @ 4 ohms
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 5 Hz - 70 kHz, -3 dB @ 8 ohms
THD + NOISE: 0.05%, 20 Hz - 20 kHz
INPUTS: 2 pair balanced (XLR) 2 pair unbalanced (RCA) 1 pair unbalanced bypass (RCA)
OUTPUTS: 1 pair balanced (XLR) 1 pair unbalanced (RCA)
WEIGHT: 35 lb / 15.9 kg
DIMENSIONS: 5.3" x 15.5" x 15.0" 135mm x 394mm x 380mm

The device will come in three configs: basic, or with additional DAC card, or with additional phono card.
Thanks Guido fot the info..very excited for the Series 2. Have a feeling that Jeff just may hit one out of the park on this one. Any clue on the MSRP?
Since the original thread went off in a different direction, I wanted to keep off the path!
However the latest comment from AZ made me take the bait ;-)

Class D is very different from other classes, if it does not have a few zeros after the decimal point, one has to seriously consider the product. It's specs should be near perfect!! Since class D is doing everything else other than amplifying, spec are out most important. Not that it's not impossible, but knowledge is power! You don't want the manufacturer to just dump a product. In many cases such as tubes it's very easy to "create" a circuit and >50% of the time it will sound good. SS maybe <50%, but will sound acceptable. But with class D is a much smaller chance, and " we". want them to make the right choices. Class A is stuck for a few decades, only new tech in linear amplification recently I hear is from Siltech! Class D is progressing!! Tubes, of course is the golden standard.
I bought the demo M2-600M monoblocks from D-Sonic. I have been listening to them for 4 days now and they already far exceed my expectations. I am still juggling around power cords and screwing around with component placement now that these tiny boxes freed up a huge chunk of turf behind my speakers. I'm using these in a music only system that has recently suffered a catastrophic OTL amplifier failure. I can't afford to fix the amps and am hoping (like a QB throwing a Hail Mary at the last second) these new-fangled class D amps may offer at least some of the magic I used to have.

Due to all the setup issues I still need to plod through until I know I have done my best to hear them at their best, I can't honestly compare them meaningfully to a pair of amps I have had for nearly 25 years the cost then 4x as much as these. At this early stage, I will say that I already know there is a lot of magic in these things and I suspect that I haven't heard them at their best yet. I believe that they may be the most transparent and revealing amps I have ever heard and that they will be ruthless about reproducing everything good or bad in from of them in the chain. I suspect they may get me closer to the correct VTA & azimuth settings. Very musical, bass power and articulation that just don't quit, gorgeous reproduction of strings and horns, All are right up there, but they are not tube amps. After the first two nights with them, I realized that part of the "tubiness" I was missing had nothing to do with the sound of the amps or even with the sense of hearing at all. I Missed the heat and the orange glow - sight and touch senses. I rectified that with a couple of candles and turning up the room temp a couple of degrees. I think I will suggest to Dennis to throw a few lumps of charcoal and some candles in the box whenever he is shipping an amp to someone who whines about it not having tubes.

If you guys want, I can come back with more observations about the amps as they get settled in. I am really excited about these amps filling some really big shoes in my system.