What`s with the Hyperion HPS 938

Last year when the 938 went on the market , one rave review followed the other ,everybody seemed to be amazed with the level of performance this 4k speaker delivered. But the last months ,more and more stories appear of people hearing the 938 and dislike them very much.
One guy bought them for 1500usd but returned them after a trial home!!!
Or Steve Rochlin and companions are deaf or there is something really strange going on.
Hi Malclm, that was me at the owner site who recommended the sorbathane feet. I'm glad you found it useful. Please come by and join the owners forum. We'll be happy to have another family member. Stay tuned as I'm about to get a new tube amp for the 938s.
Nice to hear from you guys, that you are enjoying the Hyperions!
Hyperion Sound has launched some new models like the 968.
Anybody heard them?