Anyone tried Magnepan 1.6's with rock music?

I am just wondering if they work alright with 70's classic rock music. Do you need a sub ?
Thanks, Scott
I use maggies for rock and have found no shortcomings to speak of. I have 2 subs in my system and find myself never using them. I personally think that for the price, quality, sound, and reliability they are the audio world's best buy and if anyone doesn't agree then they have never heard Maggies in their life and don't know what they're missing.
Rock music on Maggies is like any other music, garbage in, garbage out. Poorly recorded and mixed recordings will be painfully revealed in any genra on these outstanding but extreemly revealing speakers. Set up properly and fed with good upstream gear and great recordings, Maggies can and will ROCK your world.
I bought in to all the hype I heard about the 1.6's, and picked up a pair. And for certain types of music, they are magical. But they are not rockers. That is just my take on them. And not everyone is gonna agree, but that is my opinion, and I have owned Maggies. I sold them, picked up a pair of Soliloquy 5.3's, and have never looked back.
Min 400 watts into 4ohms more is better, get a good sub to takeup the 60hz and below, Pull them out a minimum of 3 feet from the back wall as far as 5 depending.

But if you really want rock speakers VMPS,VR,ATC, NHT 3.3's used, Legacy.. etc.. get a sub
I agree with Philjolet! I had almost an identical size room, and was also pushing 1000 watts (500/ch). Bass was tremendous, rock (well produced) sounded great, and I never had a desire for a Sub. The 1.6's need a SH*TLOAD OF POWER to open up the bass. I was also was using a tube (Sonic Frontiers Line 3) preamp.