best speakers for Ayre amps ?

hi, ayre amps owners, which associated speakers are best in your experience ?
I would agree with Bigtee in every respect except one. I think the Audioquest kills the sound. I had AQ Cheetah 36V DBS hooked up for quite a few months and thought many other cables were better including Transparent, Synergistic Research, SignalCable, etc. The Audioquest just sounded very compressed to me. Transparent and Synergistic Research had much better bass and soundstage.
I haven't heard them paired myself, but, many seem to like Ayre with Thiels.
I have heard the Ayre V-5X with the Thiels. They were quite good. Theils are very picky about the power source that is pushing them, but I've heard them with Ayre, Levinson, and Boulder amps and they sound amazing. I've also heard them paired with a Bryston amp and thought it left a lot to be desired in comparison. Just my opinion.
Totem uses Ayre amps (and a few others) to voice their speakers and demonstrate at shows.