Good match for Merlin?

Looking to see what the feedback is for matching my system with the VSM Merlin 2-ways (MM). Currently running Ayre CX7e - BAT 51SE - Ayre V1-Xe - Hydra 8. Tara labs IC and speaker cables. Room size is 16X26. Listen to mostly jazz and female vocals at med volume. Would appreciate any feedback from individuals who have a similiar set-up as myself.
hi efficacy,
if the merlin speakers are used the way they were designed to be used, there should not be a problem. so, lets check these points.
the speakers should be 6 to 7 feet apart, center to center, listened to at 9 1/2 feet or more, use of the alignment tool to set the toe angle so you are listening to the power response of the speaker and not directly on axis. check that you are using a single run of speaker cable on the bottom post first and then my jumper, tighten clamp. my jumper to top post first and then the rc (but check with charlie because i think the ayre amplifier has a zobel on the output so do not use my rc if this is so). no shotgun cables or internal bi-wires should be used where the tweeter gauge is bigger than 15. i would also check with charlie and ask him about his cable, it will sound more relaxed as it is a litz and you may want to try this for yourself. hook the cdp output into the bam and bam into cdp input on pre.
check these things and see how it sounds.
i have heard ayre on my speakers and it is superb.
what are you hearing that prompted this post.
you can respond to me here or at

and martykl, the se was very amp dependant. it liked se tubes a lot. the millennium became more continuous and bodied (complete) so it was easier to match with and the mm and mx are more bodied (complete sounding) and continuous again so they are even easier to match to.
the super bam also relaxes the sound (makes it more expansive) and provides much better pitch definition in the bass.
regards to all,
sudden doubt Bobby, reading that post of yours: should i use your rc (the yellow stuff right) with my Ayre gear ?
the rc has a yellow cap...yes.
call ayre and ask them if the amp you have is terminated with a zobel, if yes, do not use the rc. if no, then use it.
you need to call ayre to see if the amp is terminated with a zobel. if not use the rc, if yes then do not.