From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?

I love the coherence and incredible lifelike dynamics and feel to music that I have heard from the Avantgarde Uno and Duo speakers. However, given room size and family harmony, speakers of this size are not going to be a viable option for me. Are there any conventional speakers of reasonable dimension that can compete with the coherence and dynamics of the Avantgarde speakers? I would love to hear from anyone who has made the transition from an Avantgarde speaker to a more conventional design. Many thanks in advance for you help and advise.

All the best,
When I was about to move up from my Lowthers I gave AVG's a passing thought. My room is just to small. I went with the SAP Audio Quartettes. In size they look like your typical floor-stander.-(17 deep,47 high, and 10 wide.) Seems nobody has heard of these. They gave me my "horn-fix"; never heard the big horns tho.--There is just something most decent horns do that cones don't do.---I am about to be able to compare my horns to Merln MMs.(arriving this very Thurs)--Don't have a clue how it'll go.

I had Quartettes for a short while before trading up to the SAP J2001s with the twin 12" woofers.

The Quartettes are very exciting and dynamic and can focus images in a way virtually no other speaker is capable of doing. BUT, it is one of the hardest speakers to locate and get the bass right. Also, it is not very kid-friendly, as the top portion is precariously perched on three cones and is very easy to tip over.
101 db efficient, single driver + supertweeter. 40 hz - 20 khz, even response.

These are neutrally dynamic and cover the range except the first octave with style. They have pop WAY beyond any multi-way I've heard.

Interestingly, Avantgard-owner Srajan Ebaen of 6moons has recently acquired a pair. I asked him what he thought:

"They're here breaking in. First impressions? Fu@#ing eh! Gutsy, ballsy, very good bass, no brightness, peakiness or weirdness, ability to play *very* loud without breaking up - the only thing missing right now is a bit of detail. That driver looks like it'll need mondo hours to cook. I'm tickled pink already - this is a VERY good design." (edit mine)

If you're a small-amp guy, these are the real deal.
Folks - this is just what I'm looking for. Many, many thanks to everyone for taking the time to contribute.

Has anyone heard the Living Voice Avatar OBX speakers? I realize this is not a horn speaker and doesn't have the efficieny of one, but was just wondering how it stacked up on the coherency and dynamics side compared to one of the good horn speakers out there.

Many thanks,
Three options on my screen as nicely sized high efficiency speakers are the SAP speakers already mentioned and then Fab Audio Model 1's or Stonehenge's and a speaker not quite to the market yet, Tocarro (it is a remake of Rehdeko's which wer last produced in the late 60's or so).