From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?

I love the coherence and incredible lifelike dynamics and feel to music that I have heard from the Avantgarde Uno and Duo speakers. However, given room size and family harmony, speakers of this size are not going to be a viable option for me. Are there any conventional speakers of reasonable dimension that can compete with the coherence and dynamics of the Avantgarde speakers? I would love to hear from anyone who has made the transition from an Avantgarde speaker to a more conventional design. Many thanks in advance for you help and advise.

All the best,
Folks - this is just what I'm looking for. Many, many thanks to everyone for taking the time to contribute.

Has anyone heard the Living Voice Avatar OBX speakers? I realize this is not a horn speaker and doesn't have the efficieny of one, but was just wondering how it stacked up on the coherency and dynamics side compared to one of the good horn speakers out there.

Many thanks,
Three options on my screen as nicely sized high efficiency speakers are the SAP speakers already mentioned and then Fab Audio Model 1's or Stonehenge's and a speaker not quite to the market yet, Tocarro (it is a remake of Rehdeko's which wer last produced in the late 60's or so).
Hi Larryi- I got tired of tiping the cones just while changing speaker wires. I got some 4in wide webbing--now the whole speaker top and bottom move as a floor stander. No,'taint 'purrity';but saves my nerves. Then I always had the fear a top cab. would fall onto the tube amp.--'caint be havin none of 'dat.
Hi. Are coherence and drivers integration the same thing? If yes, then you should go hear the Magneplanar.

I have my SAP J2001s on Symposium Svelte Shelves. I know of several Quartette owners who have their speakers on the Svelte Shelves too. It makes a big difference, particularly with the Quartettes, as far as smoothing out the bass and making it easier to integrate the bass with the rest of the frequency range.

I wonder if a shelf between the top and bottom half of the Quartette will have a positive effect?