From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?

I love the coherence and incredible lifelike dynamics and feel to music that I have heard from the Avantgarde Uno and Duo speakers. However, given room size and family harmony, speakers of this size are not going to be a viable option for me. Are there any conventional speakers of reasonable dimension that can compete with the coherence and dynamics of the Avantgarde speakers? I would love to hear from anyone who has made the transition from an Avantgarde speaker to a more conventional design. Many thanks in advance for you help and advise.

All the best,
I went from Trios to the Beauhorn Virtuosos and never looked back. They are more seamless and coherent and much faster. You will probably want subwoofers, however. But I used mine up to 60 Hz which is more than an octave lower than the Trio woofers are expected to cover.
Zu Definitions. I bought them instead of Aavantgarde. You will get the dynamics and speed, but you will not get the horn tone. Moreover, the Avantgardes just don't integrate. No matter how far I can position myself from them, I hear each driver separately. Definitions will give superior coherency. Also, for domestic environments not totally handed over to audiophilia, you can't beat the Definition's space utilization: in 1 square foot of floor space in a column 49" high, you get a speaker that is neutral, natural, coherent and consistent 16Hz - 25kHz, with an integrated sub-bass array.

I second Phil's suggestion. I owned the Gallos, then the Druids, and now the Definitions. I'd take the Druids over the Gallos in a nanosecond and the Def's are beyond belief.

Srajan Ebaen went from Avantgarde Duos to Druids to Definitions and is tickled. He's documented his journey well for any wanting to follow.